Pretzy Pie is three months old! Time flies when you're having fun and that is just what we're doing. Erik and I are so lucky to have such good, fun kids. We just put Thomas down for the night and we've been talking about all the funny things he does and says ever since we tucked him in. Nora is such a smiley, happy baby and she brings us so much joy. These last three months have been pure bliss.
Eat: She eats every 3-4 hours and I'm guessing she gets 5-6 oz per feeding. (this is how much I can pump at a time) She takes a bottle 2-3 times a week but I am going to make pumping a priority so we can try and give her one bottle a day plus put milk in the freezer.
Play: Patty Cake always makes Nora smile, especially when we "throw it in the oven!". She still likes her play mat and much like her brother, she loves books. Nora learned to roll over (front to back) which really cuts down on the length of time she spends on her stomach.
Measurements: No well baby appointment this month and our scale is broken so we don't have any measurements but Erik guesses she weighs 13lbs. 8oz. If I think of it I'll have to weigh her at the gym this week.
Brother: Thomas is doing great with Nora, for the most part. Tonight in the tub he said something about his "pretty sister." I have a feeling years from now he'll be bumming when he realizes HIS friends are coming over to hang with his little sis. He loves kissing her head and lately he wants to give her high fives. I'm waiting for the day he misses her fist and high fives her face. :/ The other day while she was doing tummy time I heard him say "Good job, Nora Mae! Keep it up."
Daddy: "It's fun to see Nora smile back at me and stand up so tall. She puts up with a lot of her brother's shenanigans. (hitting, stomping, pushing, etc.)"
I hope month four brings more giggles and more hair. ;) We love you, Nora Mae!
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