Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Morning at The Arboretum

Today was a perfect day to finally check out the University of Minnesota's Landscape Arboretum.  We've lived about two miles away from the Arboretum for almost a year now, and we finally made it a point to swing by (with the help of a LivingSocial deal).  It was an overcast morning with no wind and a temperature right around 70, and with nothing else to do with a couple of little stinker-butts, we decided today was the day!
We started the day off by "getting our bearings," as I would say, or "wandering aimlessly through an outdoor restaurant and private party while getting nowhere," as Elise would say.  I let her take care of the navigating, since it was obviously too much for me (as gauged via nonverbal communication).  Elise led us through some beautiful rose gardens and landscapes before Thomas started losing interest.  There were only so many fountains we could pass without touching before a gasket was bound to blow.  Luckily he was able to maintain composure until we were able to get to the Learning Center.
The Learning Center was filled with fun things for kids.  Thomas liked playing on the downed tree, but it was tough for him to get up and down without scraping his bare legs.

Thomas has really taken a liking to baking with Mama in the kitchen.  I think he was whipping up some cookies here for us.


One of the attractions was a sand pit, but Thomas didn't last in that very long.  He's pretty anal about getting sand in his shoes.


I don't think Nora opened her eyes once at the Arboretum.  Elise carried her most of the time in her ERGO Baby, but when Thomas gave up his stroller to play, we decided to let Nora relax in it.  She's a trooper!

Getting a ride from a friend.

Thomas' turn to drive again!

Some of the scenery at the Arboretum.  We would need the help of Grandma Janice to identify some of these.

Thomas is quite the copy-cat these days.  Here he is mimicking how his mother was walking after a morning of carrying Nora.

One last attraction before we hit the road...Thomas was apprehensive about going up without holding hands.  It was a perfect morning for a new adventure!

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