Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Introducing Nora Mae Anderson

Our baby has arrived!! We could not be more proud to introduce our precious and perfect little girl, Nora Mae! Although she was a week late she made a very quick entrance into the world.

Erik and I arrived at the hospital to be induced at 7:00AM on Saturday, May 25th.
 Just over six hours later, at 1:17PM, Nora Mae was born into this world. She weighed 8lb 6oz and was 21 inches tall.

Daddy was bursting with pride and joy holding his new baby girl.

Big brother Thomas was also excited to meet his baby. He is one very proud and protective big brother.

Kisses for Nora.

Super happy Daddy!

Mama and her besties surrounding Nora with so much love.

Twenty four hours later and time to go home!

Welcome home Nora!

We came home to a house full of grandparents, aunties and uncles all there to celebrate Nora's birthday! Thomas was happy to help blow out the candle and eat the yummy rhubarb cake made by Grandma LaRaye.

Thomas is such a great helper. He especially loves to "hold" his baby and get her diapers and about 10 wipes with each diaper change. :)
Nora is such a beautiful gift and blessing to our family, we love her beyond measure!

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