I can not believe it has been a month since we met our little sweet pea. She has done nothing but eat, sleep, and bring joy to our home! I thought Thomas was an easy baby but so far she is our winner!
Eat: Nora has a great appetite. She eats every 3 to 4 hours during the day and once in the night. She has had a few bottles and likes 4oz at a time. She takes the bottle beautifully! Yay!
Sleep: Nora is a great sleeper! She sleeps most of the day especially if she is in her carseat or if I have her in the Ergo. She wakes once in the night usually around 4 or 5:00. No complaints from Mom and Dad in the sleep department. :)
Play: Most of the time she is too sleepy to play but she has spent a little time on the play mat and does tummy time every day. She does super well on her tummy and sometimes falls asleep. I think she'll have a strong neck and keep her nice round head! :)
Measurements: When Nora was born she was around the 70th percentile for head size and weight and 96th percentile for height. Now she is near the 100th percentile for all measurements. She weighs 10lb 7oz and was 22.75 inches.
Brother: Thomas loves Nora. He likes to hold her, kiss her and occasionally hit her. :( It makes my heart hurt for both of them when he does this. I don't like to hear her cry and I don't like to see him hurt her. Their doctor reassured me that this is totally normal behavior for a young, new sibling and he will grow up to be her biggest protector. I just pray this stage is almost over.
Daddy: (don't hold her like that! It makes her look SO big!) "I didn’t think it was possible to have an easier baby than Thomas was, but Nora has certainly exceeded that expectation: She is very easy-going and fun to snuggle and kiss. Her projectile poop still amazes me. She can almost poop farther than I can throw."
Mama: It melts my heart when she looks at me with those big, beautiful eyes. Nora and I recently had our first mother daughter shopping trip. As it turns out, she likes the mall and lets just say we had good "luck!" Daddy, be very worried!
I know month two will go just as quickly and I look forward to all the new stages and developments but if I could keep her this size forever (or at least a few more months) I would. She is tiny, precious and fits perfectly on my chest and shoulder.