Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend Guests

A few weekends ago we were lucky enough to have a house full of company! We spent the weekend hanging out, snacking, playing, swimming and the guys took in a Twins game and horse races. Erik's sister Stephanie and our friend Mike came on Friday in time for dinner. Erik's brother Peter and my dad showed up on Saturday.
On night #1 we started a "Suspend" tournament. Erik set up the bracket and we put on our game faces as soon as the kids went to sleep. Steph is in an intense match against Mike.

Nora and Thomas love all the extra attention they get when we have visitors.
 Nora especially loves the attention she gets once Thomas goes to bed.
Thomas is such a little copy cat. He enjoyed spending his Saturday morning reading books with Daddy and Uncle Mikey.
My dad came to town for a wedding. He rode is motorcycle down and came to our house for a shower before heading to the reception. Thomas was pretty excited about having a "cycle" in the garage. He sat on it most of the night begging us to start it.
 Grandpa didn't have much room for luggage but he did find room for a toy tractor for Thomas.
When the guys returned from the Twins game we brought out the snacks. Beef jerky, SPK's, licorice, frooties, buffalo chicken dip, honey bbq wings, skittles, trail mix, funfetti dip, and chips.
A bon fire in the driveway isn't quite like a fire at the farm but at least we had a tailgate to sit on.
Sleepy girls.
Mike was the official Suspend Tournament Champion.
Nothing like leftover B Dubs for breakfast.

Giggles for Grandpa.

A weekend celebration of family and friendship. Thanks for visiting, come back soon!


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