Monday, March 18, 2013

Thomas' Top Ten (Books)

I am so excited about Thomas' interest in books. He prefers being read to but also likes flipping through pages on his own. It's so fun to watch him pull books out of his bookcase one at a time until he finds one that looks interesting to him. I am willing to guess we read/look at books 60-120 minutes most days. Nothing makes me happier (and more tired) than holding my sweet baby boy while reading him a story. He went through a stage of wanting the same few books read over and over but he is starting to choose new stories. This is exciting for me! A. I was getting tired of reading the same books many times a day. B. He is learning all kinds of new facts, ideas, words, etc. from these new favorites. I wanted to compile a list of his favorites and was determined to come up with his Top Ten. Choosing those ten was difficult, he has so many favorites! I'll have to document his Top Ten frequently so I always remember which books he liked at different stages.

I had to give him a "hand" holding up all those books. ;)

10. Moo, Baa, La La La by: Sandra Boynton
9. Jamberry by: Bruce Degen
8. Sheep in a Jeep by: Nancy Shaw & Margot Apple
7. Colorful World by: DK 
6. Baby Beluga by: Raffi
5. Fifteen Animals by: Sandra Boynton
4. Bear Snores On by: Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman
3. Thomas' First Birthday (A Shutterfly book made by me)
2. Otis by: Loren Long
1. Trucks by: Fog City Press

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