Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grandparents: Rookies and MVP's.

Today is Grandparents Day! All four of Thomas' grandparents are being honored for the first time. I am usually good about getting cards off for this special holiday but wouldn't you know, the first time our parents can celebrate, I drop the ball. (I blame all the commotion of moving for this slip up.) Therefore, I dedicate this post to Thomas' wonderful grandparents. For being rookies they sure have been great in their new positions.
Grandma LaRaye loves Thomas so much and Thomas loves her too! If it weren't for her, poor Thomas would have nothing to wear! She always has a new, cute outfit for Thomas. If you didn't know better, you'd think she runs a daycare. Her living room is full of super fun toys, she has more "equipment" than we have at our house. 

Thomas adores Grandma LaRaye and Grandpa John.

Grandpa John and his "Little Man." Thomas John is named after his Grandpa John. Thomas is always going to have fun with this Grandpa; he has a four wheeler, a fishing boat, a motorcycle, guns, and season tickets for the Twins and Vikings. ;) Thomas loves his Grandpa John!
Thomas loves Grandpa Fred! When Thomas and I were staying with my parents after the move from Colorado, Grandpa Fred took Thomas on a walk around the neighborhood every night. I don't know who enjoyed that special time more, Thomas or Grandpa. 

Thomas loves Grandma Christine too! Thomas was so lucky to spend his first few days on Earth with Grandma. She helped him to feel safe and comfortable in his new environment. She was, and continues to be, a wonderful help and support to me in my new role as "mom."

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