Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Friends

Leaving behind good friends is the hardest part of moving away. Over the course of the past two and a half years we have met some really wonderful people (mostly through our awesome church). Perhaps the most special relationship we have formed is with Thomas' pal Maya, who is two months older. I met Maya's lovely mother, Candace, shortly before Maya was born. We hit it off and have become great friends. Candace and Maya made a special trip to the hospital to meet Thomas when he was only one day old, and we have enjoyed many play dates ever since. It has been a joy to watch Thomas and Maya form a relationship and I know, even at their young age, they enjoy each others' company. Thomas will make new friends along the way but Maya, his first friend, will always hold a special place in our hearts. We love you, Maya and Candace (and Brad too)!
Miss Maya and Mr. Thomas

Brad and Erik celebrate their first Father's Day. 

Pool Pals

Pool Party with the Dads.

Swinging at our park across the street.

Miss Maya has always been a little aggressive. ;)

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