This afternoon I looked through all 3,000 photos of Nora while I was working on a project for her birthday party; I cannot believe how quickly time has gone. In some ways I feel like I'm still as big as a house waiting for her to arrive and then I remember she is here, hence the grapes and cheerios all over the kitchen floor.
Nora is obsessed with her Daddy. I had to capture her excitement as Erik arrives at the front door after work. So sweet.
Eat: Nora eats everything. We start out the day with a bananas, yogurt and smoothie mixed with oatmeal. She especially likes cheese and grapes. She has 2-3 bottles a day. We mix half formula half milk. When we are out of formula we will make the transition to whole milk.
Sleep: She has been sleeping great! Most nights she goes without a bottle and she has been in her crib until about 5 or 6:00 and then she comes to bed with us. She typically has two naps a day, both about two hours long. I hope that keeps up through the summer.
Play: Nora is in to everything. She skipped crawling and went straight to walking. She scoots pretty efficiently but would prefer to walk. Lately I have caught her looking at books on her own and that makes me proud!
Brother: No one can make Nora smile and giggle like Thomas can. I feel like Nora was the best gift we could ever give to Thomas. I hope we can continue to bless their lives with more siblings.
Daddy: Nora Mae is such a little sweetheart. It's so fun to see her motor skills develop. She's able to stand up on her own now, and her confidence is growing more and more every day. She will walk short distances on her own, or long distances if someone is on the other end to catch her. Nora certainly has me wrapped around her finger already.
Mama: I'm so grateful for the gift of this sweetie pie. I consider it a honor and privilege to have been chosen to be Nora's earthly mother.
Happy 11 month birthday, Pretz!