Nora Mae is eight months old! She is turning into the most content baby girl. She thinks Thomas is funny and Mama tries too hard.
Eat: Nora is a hungry baby! She likes everything! Cheerios are a favorite. She has five 7oz bottles a day. We were finished breast feeding shortly after Christmas.
Sleep: Between colds, teeth and travel, her sleep has been slightly off, to say the least. We've had many days with only one nap and many restless nights. I'm hoping this next month we can get back on track. I remind myself that she isn't comfortable and this helps me to not get so frustrated.
Measurements: We didn't have a well visit this month but Erik guesses she weighs 21 pounds.
Play: This little girl plays SO WELL on her own. As long as she is fed, she is totally content sitting on the floor with a basket of toys or in front of the bookcase. This is so helpful to me!
Brother: Thomas has turned into an excellent big brother. He doesn't like to see her upset and he is so proud when he makes her giggle. He is very good about keeping "choking hazards" away from her. He even calls her his best friend!
Daddy: Nora Mae Pretzy Pie is really coming into her own personality. I love watching Thomas play with her. He's been so good to her, and she seems to think that everything he does is just hilarious. Her fine motor skills are getting very good, but that means that anything that could possibly fit in her mouth, ends up in her mouth.
Mama: Nora is sweet as pie! She loves to snuggle (especially in the night). She is developing quite the personality. I think she'll be the source of many giggles. I imagine she'll be crawling by the end of the month, which is exciting and exhausting all at the same time.
Nora Mae, you light up our life! I can't wait to see what new developments the next month will bring!